From this group, we selected our two top picks. Stocks Trading Basics. It would better if you could filter companies based on their industry, capitalization, price level, etc. Mobile trading apps are key for staying up-to-date when you are on the go.
Access to financial markets has never been easier
Updated But technology has incredibly leveled the playing field for individual traders, who now have access to a wealth of various trading tools at minimal or no cost. One mobile app not on the list below that I really dig is from top-rated brokerage firm TradeKing. In addition to enabling you to place stock and options trades from your smartphone, the TradeKing co,ments is fantastic for stock traders because account holders also receive free real-time quotes and advanced technical charting capabilities. Just shake your phone to refresh any screen. Very cool. Tying with TradeKing as my personal favorite smartphone app for stock trading is eTrade.
Access to financial markets has never been easier
Streaming data has made its way to mobile apps along with advanced charting and educational offerings. TD Ameritrade gives you a choice of several mobile apps. Their standard app includes quite a bit of sharing capability, allowing you to capture a screen and email it to a friend, or post it on Twitter. The advanced Mobile Trader app, with the power of the think-or-swim platform, streams as much data as your screen can display and includes the ability to plan and trade complex options. You can also use your Apple Watch to receive notifications.
Our ranking of the best brokers for the mobile-first movement
Updated But technology has incredibly leveled the playing field for individual traders, who now have access to a wealth of various trading tools at minimal or no cost. One mobile app not on the list below that I really dig is from top-rated brokerage firm TradeKing. In addition to tradng you to place stock and options stodk from your smartphone, the TradeKing app is fantastic for stock traders because account holders also receive free real-time quotes and advanced technical charting capabilities.
Just shake your phone to refresh any screen. Very cool. Tying with TradeKing as my personal favorite smartphone app for stock trading is eTrade. Sharing nearly the same features as the TradeKing app above, the eTrade app is fast, sleek, and efficient.
If you are an options trader, you may find OptionsHouse to be the most useful of the 10 mobile apps below because of the ability to place all types of options trades on the go.
However, in order to use the free app, you must first have an active options house account click here to open a new account and trade free for 60 days. Thankfully, the mobile device in your pocket can prove to be a valuable investment on its own, and can be a powerful financial planning and investment management tool.
These 10 apps can transform your iPhone from a mobile device into your own personal stock analyst, making a real difference in the way that you keep up with your stock options.
I use Stock Tiles Android app. It displays stocks in squares of colors from red to green relative to its stocks performance. It lets you see all your portfolio at one glance! Real time saver! On the topic of other apps, RB Trader has a custom mobile alerts options notification app I use on the daily. Wanted to get a collaborative effort to find the best financial apps for smartphones, and then edit the post as the input and list grows. These apps forecast stock prices a;ps treating stocks like species and the stock market like an ecosystem!
Thanks for the heads up. It indeed looks like an interesting financial app with the candlestick chart pattern stock scanning. A simple but strong, easy to use app. It has a clear and simple overview of intraday prices — and a supporting website that has the same functionality as the app.
Some are a little pricey. I use stock signals and stocks pro. Very customizable charts and rapid news info. Also seeking alpha gives decent information. Android here, enjoying some nice features in, but not trading with, each of ezStocks Pro, Investing[.
The Bloomberg and Yahoo! Finance apps are very good and useful. I use them on my iPhone to get info on the markets throughout the day that are newsworthy.
It was free and allowed me to practice trading. It helped me a lot. The site also is good for getting a bigger picture on stock price movement. Very useful and is also free. They got some good articles there. Thanks for sharing. I use Bloomberg to keep a general eye on things with nice overview, but will check out the others you mentioned. Stock Searches www. Thanks for your research.
I wrote Stocks Live for the iPhone three years ago, I make updates almost every month with new features, it is featured by Apple in App Essentials for Money Management.
I have over 50 features and market scanner. Unheard features like heart visualization, Twitter client built in, dancing heat maps tiles and what-if scenarios. Hello Deron, I am not an options trader rather than willing to become an options trader. I am not watching some live seminar of Dan Pasarelli of Market taker mentoring and try to learn about options trading.
Could you please comjents me how the apps for stuck will help me in this regard? Please email me your suggestion. Hi Deron — saw your post while exploring stock apps.
I can set you up for trial ,etc. So many apps just give price quotes and a bit of news. This one fully tracks the value and gain of the portfolio and individual stock holdings, with detailed profit breakdown and also an integrated portfolio cash account. Did you see this app? Stock Screener is my favorite app on android, perfect for traders who uses technical analysis and chart patterns.
The app is presently running on HTML5, which means it runs on your mobile phone as a website, stock trading apps with comments the native mobile app version of it coming soon. Love it. Found the link. It is the only app that I know of that streams realtime highs and lows.
It also actually works in extended hours and is great fun to use during earnings season. I also like StockTwits and trading view. We have created a mobile app that presents Finance Markets data in a fresh and intuitive way, short description. Get basic quotes information on any stock, as well as more detailed financial information about company health, latest news, chart data, Stocktwits integration in order to help you make better informed decision when it comes to making an investment in markets.
Hello I would like to start investing in penny stocks how would I go about it I have never done this before witch app would anyone recomend for a beginner. Hello I would like to get in on some trading could anyone recommend a app for a beginner on an Android. Your email address will not be published. Why Commments Since then, I have been continually updating and stocl to that list. Forbes Intelligent Investing — When it comes to trusted names in the financial world, few stock trading apps with comments compete with Forbes.
Finance — One of the most instantly recognizable entities in the online world, Yahoo! Content for the free app comes from Morningstar. Bloomberg — Find tracking tools, business and finance news, and information on developing trends in emerging markets, bonds, funds, insurance and technology with the free Bloomberg app. You can also tap into the Bloomberg Television Live function for global financial news around the clock, along with audio clmments from major players in the financial world.
OptionsHouse — In order to use this free app, you must first have an active OptionsHouse account. Make trades right from your iPhone, cancel orders, create watchlists and keep up to date on every facet of your investment portfolio with OptionsHouse. Stock Option Simulator — There are times when you want to test out your appps or learn the market before putting up any real money from your nest egg.
Determine the risk associated with a particular option versus the payoff, then make a sound and informed decision. With stofk few taps of the screen, you can track events that make a difference to your bottom line, stream live financial news, appa orders and alerts, access real-time quotes and test strategies with minimal risk. Learn how to trzding trade stocks like a pro — stock trading….
Hi Joe, Thanks for the heads-up on. Hi Sith, Thanks for the heads-up. Anyway, will definitely check out your recommended Investing.
Cheers, Deron. Good to know. Thanks for your feedback. Thanks for the heads-up on this app. Sounds unique and I will be sure to check it. Thanks Deron! Thanks for sharing your favorite app. I second the RBTrader. Marcus — Thanks for letting us know about your new app. Submit Comment. Latest Tweets MorpheusTrading.
Best iPhone/Android App For Trading Stocks
The advanced Mobile Trader app, with the power of the think-or-swim platform, streams as much data as your screen can display and includes the ability to plan and trade complex options. Bloomberg provides high-quality news and you can also watch videos or listen to audios. Languages: English. The search functions are good. Even when each user has a reputation score and the number followers. Pros Unlimited streaming data that can run simultaneously on multiple platforms Watchlists and alerts synchronize across platforms, allowing you to run a custom screen on your mobile app and access the results of that screen apps your desktop Trade not only stocks, ETF comkents multi-leg options, but also futures, options on futures, and forex Test out the apos of the think-or-swim platform using paperMoney, a trading simulator Use the Snapstock feature to learn more about the company behind any retail product with a barcode. Sign me up. Trading Game’s users can compete with each other, the goal is to collect the most money. Download TradingView for iOS. We may receive commissions from purchases made after visiting links within our content. Superb design Awesome interactive charting Tons of trading ideas generated by users. Pros Streaming strategy options chains are a relatively unique tool Futures traders can use the mobile futures ladder. Wide variety of functions Useful filter function for news Services for professionals and beginners as well Nice design. E-Trade is also the owner stock trading apps with comments OptionsHouse, which has its own powerful app for active traders of stock and options. Trading apps can be used for trading, learning, charting, finding trading ideas, and also for market data and news. TD Ameritrade gives you a choice of several mobile apps. Read more about our methodology.
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